
In addition to soundtrack composition, Stephen also composes contemporary live scores for vintage films.

In 2018 he collaborated with composer Matthew Nolan on a live score to celebrate the 50th anniversary of George A. Romero's zombie classic, Night of the Living Dead, at Dublin's National Concert Hall.

With Nolan, he composed and performed a new score for Andrei Tarkovsky’s 1972 film Solaris at The Lincoln Centre, NYC in 2022.

He has also co-composed new scores for Lotte Reiniger's The Adventures of Prince Achmed (debuted at Brooklyn Academy of Music) and Fritz Lang's 1927 film Metropolis (also debuted at Dublin's National Concert Hall).

In 2017 he composed a live score to accompany a written performance by award-winning writer Sinéad Gleeson, which was performed in Dublin, and at Los Gatos Literary Festival in California.

In 2019 he and Gleeson performed a new piece at The Dock in Leitrim, based on her book of essays Constellations (Picador, 2019).

They have also performed this piece at Dublin’s Hugh Lane Gallery and The Martin Luther King Memorial Library in Washington DC.

Steve begins each new project with a totally open mind, a collaborative spirit, and an attention to detail that is second to none.
— Matthew Nolan (Composer)